The Jersey County Business Association is excited to announce a Façade Improvement Grant (FIG) for its membership. This program is designed to assist property and business owners in rehabilitating the commercial facades of their buildings for the purpose of creating a positive visual impact, stimulating private investment, and complementing other community development efforts.
Our goal is simple. We want to provide you with the resources needed to improve the exterior appearance of your business. Research has shown that exterior building improvements result in an increase in sales in the year after the improvements are made and this increase is often sustained for several years. Additionally, improvements will motivate owners and tenants of other properties in surrounding areas to make similar investments.
In order to be eligible for the FIG Program, your building must be located within Jersey County, Illinois and be a member of the Jersey County Business Association in good standing. A business may apply for a grant from $100 to $1,000. The business must spend an equal amount or more on the project (applicants are required to contribute a 1:1 match, or greater, or the total grant awarded).
The Façade Improvement Grant (FIG) Program will be administered by a sub-committee of the JCBA Board. The FIG committee will score each applicant on the same, pre-determined metric to ensure fairness. The applicant(s) with the highest score will be awarded matching grants. Unsuccessful applicants may re-apply in future.